Privacy Policy

FnS Power Technology Inc., It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sacredsun. Sacredsun is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange under the code of Sacredsun shares. Its main business is marketing, R & D, manufacturing and service of a full range of lead-acid batteries and lithium batteries. The main markets are reserve market, new energy market and power market. Products are widely used and communication, UPS, new energy energy storage, power vehicles and other fields. In the domestic and international markets enjoy a high brand awareness. Fangxin company was founded in 2010, relying on the superior resources of the parent company, deeply tap the needs of customers, develop value-added products, and meet the deep-seated needs of customers. And continue to develop new strategic customers, the main positioning market is the international standby power supply, new energy and power market.

FnS attaches great importance to the security of your personal data and your right of privacy. Therefore, we have worked out a privacy policy that covers how we process your personal data as the data controller.

Please spend some time to familiarize yourself with our privacy policy. If you choose to accept this privacy policy, you are entitled to use our products and services. If not, please STOP using our products and services immediately.

This privacy policy also tells you how you can exercise your data subject's (also referred to as “you” or “your”) rights when you use our FnS service via the FNS website or via the FNS App, including but not limited to:

(1) FNS Cloud App

(2) FNS Cloud Web

You can use the above App or Web to enjoy various services we provide, such as plant basic info, plant alerts and etc,. If you are in any doubt, please contact us at any times.

1 How we collect, use and store your personal data

1.1 What personal data do we collect

(1) When you register an account with FNS, we may collect the following data: personal identity information, phone number, E-mail, plant name, plant location and other basic info.

(2) After the plant is created successfully, the data logger may collect the basic info of inverter and other devices.

(3) After the basic data of your plant is collected, we may collect the production data, consumption data, grid data, historical data and other data.

1.2 How we use and store your personal data

When you register an account with FNS/create a plant on FNS, we may collect your personal data and basic info of your plant. The data collected will be processed for the following purposes:

(1) As necessary for the performance of the FNS service, such as data statistics, data analysis, data export, alert reception and other services.

(2) As necessary for the fulfillment of customized requirements.

(3) As necessary for the maintainence of data transmission and process.

The services we provide by using your personal data, including but not limited to:

(1) Through the E-mail or phone number submitted when you register, we will send you alert info of your plant when the usage of message service is sufficient.

(2) Through the plant location, time zone, capacity and other info when you create a plant, we can offer you the specific physical info of your plant. Combined with weather, irradiance and other data, we will calculate the statistical data and analytical data of your plant, e.g. Yesterday PR, Standard Coal Saved and other data.

For data about your visits to FNS and your account data, we will store this data for the corresponding period in Mysql database.Storage period will depend on info property and service purpose. If you have any special requirement on storage period, you can inform us of your requirement. Generally, the storage period shall not exceed 25 years.

2 How we share, transfer and disclose your personal data

2.1 How we share your personal data

FNS has introduced third-party data statistics platform (Baidu Statistics and TalkingData) to conduct the collection and analysis of software usage, which means we share the software usage information with the third-party platform and we shall not share your personal data, e.g. account info, plant info, device info and other info.

FNS may share your personal data with the manufacturers and installers to ensure the smooth running of your plant and the service quality we provide. We shall sign nondisclosure agreement with the above manufacturers and installers and require them to fulfill their obligations as we do.

We may share your personal data with other third-parties other than the above manufacturers and installers only under the following circumstances:

(1) Based on your consent and authorization,

(2) Based on legal requirements,

(3) Based on normal data services or your requirements, system will automatically initiate the application to view your plant via the manufacturers and distributors.

2.2 How we transfer your personal data

We may transfer your personal data with other third-parties only under the following circumstances:

(1) Based on your consent and authorization,

(2) Based on legal requirements,

(3) If we are unable to provide services for you due to Force Majeure, bankruptcy, liquidation and other reasons, we shall notify you as soon as possible and transfer your data to the third-party with your consent. The third-party shall comply with this privacy policy as we do.

2.3 How we disclose your personal data

We may disclose your personal data with other third-parties only under the following circumstances:

(1) Based on your consent and authorization,

(2) Based on legal requirements,

(3) Avoid and reduce the possible losses or safeguard your rights and interests in case of emergency.

3 How we protect your personal data

3.1 Measures we take

We attach great importance to the security of your personal data, and have implemented appropriate technical to prevent security vulnerabilities and unauthorized personal data access. To some extent, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal data absolutely. Hope you know and understand the risk completely.

(1) Regularly carry on the comprehensive inspection and overall checkup of the system. If a bug is found, we will repair it timely to avoid the data leakage.

(2) Closely monitor the core data and regularly carry on the comprehensive inspection of sensitive operation. If there is any risk operation, we will handle it timely.

(3) Data conceal processing. External data conceal can prevent network attacking. Internal data conceal will classify data management to prevent data leakage from internal staff.

3.2 Emergency treatment&notification

If any non-public data is disclosed or security flaw occurs, we will launch the data protection emergency plan to reduce data risk and loss as much as possible.

(1) Circuit breaker mechanism. When data security risk occurs, we will launch circuit breaker mechanism timely to avoid data leakage. According to the data security risk level, the operation of restrict access/stop access/downtime maintenance and etc, will be carried out.

(2) Data recovery mechanism. System will back up your data in multiple dimensions and restore the broken data.

If your personal data are leaked, which threats the individual rights&freedom, we will notify the data regulator of the data leakage within 72 hours of discovery without undue delay. If we have not notify the data regulator within 72 hours, we shall make corresponding explanations. Furthermore, under this circumstance, we will notify you of the data leakage and emergency measures we have taken.

If you find the leakage of data possible, please contact us as described in Section “Contact us” below.

4 Your rights and choices

4.1 Visit your personal data

After you register an account with FNS and your plant has been created, you can log in and access your personal data at any time. We will also interpret and verify data as you request. The data includes but is not limited to registration info, plant info, plant production info and etc,.

4.2 Update or correct your personal data

The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, the data subject shall have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.

4.3 Delete your personal data

(1) If you decide that you will no longer use FNS service, you are entitled to apply for cancellation of your account and your plant. You can cancel the application within 7 days freely. Otherwise, system will delete your personal data after 7 days. Please learn that we are entitled to decline your application within 7 days. Please back up your personal data in advance to avoid unnecessary losses.

(2) The personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed. Please learn that the deletion of the personal data may affect the normal maintenance and processing of your plant data information in the future, and we will not assume any liability related.

(3) The personal data have been unlawfully processed.

(4) The personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in EU or Member State law to which the controller is subject

4.4 Restrict the processing of your personal data

(1) The accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject, for a period enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data.

(2) The processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the processing of the personal data and requests the restriction of their use instead. Please provide us with the reasons for the objection so that we can evaluate that if the legal basis for continuing to process these data is sufficient.

(3) The controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

5 Your requests

For security reasons, we will verify your identity first when you contact us. After check it correctly, our staff will decide whether to handle your requests immediately or later. The period of immediate process is 1-3 working day(s). The period of later process is 15 working days. If we encounter special situations, we will inform you of processing time after the evaluation.

We have the right to decline your request under the following circumstances:

(1) Your requests will harm national interests and social public interests,

(2) Your requests have subjective malicious and abuse authority,

(3) Your requests will invade personal secrets and infringe another person's lawful rights and interests,

(4) Your requests are out of scope for our data service.

6 How personal data transfer globally

FnS may transfer your personal data in the branch office and service organization to provide the above service content and service upgrade. If your personal data are transferred to overseas, please learn and consent that it is necessary for us to do so in order to handle/manage your account and provide certain service.

Where transferring personal data outside China and EU is requested, you may be required to provide data protection laws and regulations in this country or region to ensure that this cross-border transfer complies with the relevant laws and regulations. If you cannot prove that the cross-border transfer complies with the relevant laws and regulations, and you insist that we conduct this cross-border transfer, we have the right to refuse and stop the services. If the information you provide is not accurate, which causes the violation of the relevant laws and regulations, the responsibilities and consequences arising therefrom are borne by you. We shall reserve the right to claim damages.

7 Applicable laws&arbitration

This privacy policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. All disputes arising from the execution of this privacy policy shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached. The case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local court in Jining, China.

8 Contact us

When you have any complaints and suggestions, please contact us via Email:

Tel: 0755-26456237

9 Updates of this policy

FnS can update this privacy policy from time to time according to the changes in our services, applicable laws and regulations. If we make any change to our privacy policy, we will issue the announcement and the updated privacy policy on FNS App, before its entry into force.

If you do Not accept this privacy policy, please STOP using our products and services immediately.